Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Mike, originally uploaded by Masood Sharif.

Simple picture. Light was fading fast, I wanted to get a picture with the dusk sky in the background. The light is a bare SB600 trigerred with Nikon CLS camera right. Approximately 2 feet away. I placed Mike's head in front of the setting sun and fired a couple of shots.

The SB600 had a 1/4 CTO gel on it. In post, the picture has been desaturated a little and sharpened for web.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ryan, originally uploaded by Masood Sharif.
Lighting info - clamshell setup SB600 camera through shoot through umbrella above and below.

Both triggered with CLS via the pop up flash. Power above at 1/6.4 and below at 1/10 set manually.